#2438 New York’s Red Flag Law: What Attorneys Need to Know to File an Application (Extreme Risk Protection Order)

*This program is also available for free without CLE credit on our YouTube page.

Presented on June 15, 2022

1.5 CLE credits: 1.0 Areas of Professional Practice, 0.5 Skills

The Red Flag Law, also known as the Extreme Risk Protection Order Law, prevents individuals who are at risk of hurting themselves or others from purchasing or possessing firearms, rifles, or shotguns. This law, which went into effect in August 2019, is an important tool in preventing domestic violence homicides, suicides, and situations of mass violence, but many practitioners still don’t know about Emergency Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) and how to obtain this civil protection order.

In response to the 5-14-22 tragedy, the Minority Bar Association of WNY has joined with the Bar Association of Erie County and the Empire Justice Center to address this important legal issue related to mass shootings. This is the first part of a series. We hope you can continue the dialogue with us.

Moderator: Oliver C. Young, Esq., Former President, BAEC, Of Counsel, Barclay Damon LLC

Samuel Alba, Esq., Senior Deputy Attorney, Town of Amherst
Remla Parthasarathy, Esq., Senior Attorney, Empire Justice Center and Project Leader of the Crime Victims Legal Network
Amy Schwartz-Wallace, Esq., Empire Justice Center

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Available format: OnDemand, CD, DVD

OnDemand: $45 members (Promo Code: member 2017), $60 Non-members


CLE Credit

Areas of Professional Practice, Skills


Audio Disc, OnDemand, Video DVD

Credit Hours


The BAEC Board of Directors Unanimously Passes a Resolution Addressing Executive Order #14173

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