Update on BAEC’s Protocol for Meetings and CLEs

From the Executive Director of the Bar Association of Erie County

Dear Members,

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this email about how the Bar Association of Erie County is continuing its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your health and the support of our membership are our most important priorities. Together, we will work through the issues and uncertainty we all face daily in connection with COVID-19. Please check our website, www.eriebar.org, frequently as the situation is fluid, and our protocols will change as needed.

Board and Committee Meetings
· All Committee and Board meetings, regardless of size, will offer an option for virtual participation. We encourage you to use that option, which will be available on the meeting notice.

· Effective Monday, March 16th through April 16th, any meeting of more than 30 people will be postponed or be held only in a virtual setting. BAEC staff, Daniel Ortega, (852-8687, ext 133; dortega@eriebar.org) will assist Committee Chairs with those arrangements. We encourage members to use the virtual option so that we can continue our operations.

CLE Live Programs
· At this time, CLEs with less than 30 people will remain a local live option for members.

Participants will be advised in advance as to how many people will be in attendance at CLEs. We ask that you not attend a CLE if you are ill, and please practice all of the protocols that the CDC has promulgated in connection with social distancing and hygiene. We will hold CLEs in the largest facility available to us. We will refund any fees paid if a member chooses not to attend. We will record popular programs and provide members this option as frequently as possible.

· Effective Monday, March 16th through April 16th, a CLE with more than 30 people will be postponed or be held in a virtual setting.

The Bar Association traditionally has its major gatherings in late April (for Law Day) and in June (for the Annual Dinner). You will be apprised of the status of those events by email, our website, and social media.

Stay well. The staff at the BAEC is here to assist and support the membership at all times. 100 plus years strong, we will weather this storm too. Our Foundation is also available to help those in need of assistance arising from COVID-19 issues.

Thank you for your attention to this message. As always, we welcome your input. Please do check our website and follow us on social media so that you have our most up to date information on meetings, CLEs, and events.

Thank you.

Anne Noble
Executive Director


The BAEC Board of Directors Unanimously Passes a Resolution Addressing Executive Order #14173

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