Notice to Amend BAEC Bylaws

After review by the BAEC’s Bylaw’s Committee, and upon resolution of the Board of April 14, 2020, the Association proposes and advances principally technical changes to various provisions of the BAEC Bylaws. Members will be asked to vote on these changes during the spring election for 2021 Board Candidates and Officers. The specific Bylaw changes can be viewed in their entirety by clicking here. A summary of the changes is set forth below.

The changes to the Bylaws conform the Bylaws to the most up to date not for profit legal standards in New York.  These changes principally relate to how meetings are conducted and are generally technical in nature. The proposed Bylaws formally identify the role and composition of the Association’s Executive and Finance Committees. The Bylaws also identify and provide a role for the Association’s immediate Past President to sit as an ex- officio non-voting member of the Executive and Finance Committees.  Finally, the proposed Bylaws eliminate the duties of the Judiciary Committee to receive, consider and investigate complaints about the Judiciary.

Questions about the proposed changes may be directed by email to If you are unable to view the proposed Bylaws on our website, please contact Susan Kohlbacher at 716.852.8687, ext 120 or

The Board of Directors recommend a vote “in favor” of the proposed changes to the Bylaws.


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