Lawyer Wellbeing Check-Up Event

National Wellbeing Week in Law is the first full week of May to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Month. While BAEC and its leadership strives to make the wellbeing of our members a priority all year, we are especially pleased to announce our first-ever Lawyer Wellbeing Check-Up Event.
Hosted by our Member Assistance Program (Child & Family Services MAP), this Wellbeing Check-Up is an opportunity to consider your mental and emotional health, your coping strategies, and what you can do to promote positive mental health. During your 30-minute confidential, virtual appointment, you can also ask other questions you might have about the MAP and how the program might help you, your family, or even a colleague that you may be concerned about. Sign up today by clicking the link below.

The event is finished.


May 06 2022


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bar Association of Erie County

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