Eighth Judicial District Women’s History Month 2022 Celebration

 “The Power of Women’s Voices”

 Hon. Kevin M. Carter, Administrative Judge of the Eighth Judicial District and Hon. E. Jeannette Ogden, Chair of the Eighth Judicial District Gender Fairness Committee are pleased to announce that the courts of the Eighth Judicial District will celebrate Women’s History Month on March 25, 2022 at 12:30 p.m. The event will be held virtually. The attached flyer provides a link at the bottom for the media to view the event on Microsoft TEAMS. 

The program, entitled “The Power of Women’s Voices” will honor a number of individuals for their ceaseless work performed during the COVID-19 pandemic. including but not limited to two prominent female leaders in our community, Dr. Gail Burstein, MD, MPH, Erie County Commissioner of Health and Hon. Rebecca Wydysh, Chairwoman of the Niagara County Legislature. 

This event is co-sponsored by the National Association of Women Judges – NY Chapter and the NYS Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts = Eighth Judicial District Gender Fairness Committee.


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