A Statement from the President and Vice President of the Bar Association of Erie County About Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict

Regarding the verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, President Oliver C. Young and Vice President Hugh M. Russ, III of the Bar Association of Erie County have issued the following statement:

“Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, the accused killer of George Floyd, was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter of Mr. Floyd.  The jury has spoken and we, as attorneys and officers of the court, have great admiration for the jury system of justice and we respect the jury’s verdict. 

“We hope that now, with some measure of accountability at hand, the healing from this very tragic event will begin in earnest.  We walk with you in your profound sadness and in the hope that today’s verdict begins to bring about positive changes to communities of color.  We urge continued police reform to end the disproportionate killing of unarmed people of color by law enforcement.”

Oliver C. Young

Hugh M. Russ, III
Vice President


The BAEC Board of Directors Unanimously Passes a Resolution Addressing Executive Order #14173

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