Revised Pandemic Procedures in the Trial Courts

A memorandum from Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks
Dated: November 13, 2020

In light of recent adverse trends in coronavirus transmission rates in New York State, discussions with our consultants and Governor Cuomo’s most recent directives limiting congregation of groups of people in public and private locations, we are revising certain UCS statewide operational practices in the trial courts, commencing Monday, November 16, as follows:

• No new prospective trial jurors (criminal or civil) will be summoned for jury service until further notice. Pending criminal and civil jury trials will continue to conclusion.
• No new prospective grand jurors will be summoned for grand jury service until further notice. Pending grand juries will continue to conclusion.
• All future bench trials and hearings will be conducted virtually unless the respective Deputy Chief Administrative Judge permits otherwise. Pending bench trials will continue to conclusion.

Please note that socially-distanced in-person court conferences will continue. All coronavirus health and safety procedures should continue to be closely followed. Decisions about possible adjustment of staffing levels in the trial courts will be addressed in the coming days. These practices may be further amended as the public health situation evolves.


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