Rental and Mortgage Assistance Available for Erie County Residents

Residents of Erie County may be eligible for rental and mortgage assistance (a grant) which may pay all or a large portion of overdue rent or mortgage payments (up to 5 months). This program begins Thursday, October 1, 2020.

Income eligibility: Individuals have to show, through proof of income (last 2 months of income), that they are income eligible. This ranges from a family with one child at $42,000 to a family of eight at $112,000. Individuals will also need an ID and proof of residence.

Individuals have to show they are unable to pay their rent/mortgage due to COVID-19, e.g. loss of work due to COVID-19, sickness (or care giving) due to COVID-19, loss of child care due to COVID-19.

Individuals can apply online (beginning October 1) at this link: Or, by calling 211. 211 can assist individuals in filling out the application. Individuals who may struggle with technology or uploading documents (which is required) can make an appointment for assistance with the application by calling 211 (These appts. are at Catholic Charities, Buffalo Urban League, and the Restoration Society


The BAEC Board of Directors Unanimously Passes a Resolution Addressing Executive Order #14173

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