#2394 Guiding Non-Profits Through COVID and Crisis Management

Presented on April 27, 2021

1.0 CLE credit: Areas of Professional Practice (appropriate for all attorneys)

This program addresses legal issues faced by not-for-profit organizations in crisis situations, including governance practices and tax-exemption compliance matters, with a particular focus on current concerns and opportunities arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moderator: Katherine M. Liebner, Esq., Gross Shuman, P.C.

Speaker: Lauren A. Suttell, Esq., Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP

Available Format: OnDemand, CD, DVD

OnDemand: $40 Members (Promo Code: member2017), $50 Non-Members

CLE Credit

Areas of Professional Practice

Credit Hours



Audio Disc, OnDemand, Video DVD

The BAEC Board of Directors Unanimously Passes a Resolution Addressing Executive Order #14173

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