#2363 Forming a Non-Profit Organization and Obligations of Attorneys on Non-Profit Boards – Part One

Presented on September 15, 2020

1.0 CLE credit: Skills

Forming a not-for-profit is like playing chess, solving a puzzle, and herding cats…all at the same time. But when a not-for-profit corporation is put on the right path to achieve its charitable mission, it is some of the most rewarding work an attorney can do. This one-hour session will cover the fundamental steps–and common mistakes–when forming a not-for-profit corporation in New York, and alert attorneys about what to consider before taking a seat on a not-for-profit board.

Be sure to check out Part 2 here!

Available Formats: OnDemand (this format appropriate for experienced attorneys only)

OnDemand: $40 Members (Promo Code: member2017), $50 Non-Members

Click to view OnDemand
CLE Credit


Credit Hours




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