#2361 E-Filing in Criminal and Family Court Cases at the Fourth Department

Presented on August 26, 2020

1.5 CLE credits: Skills

Join Fourth Department Clerk Mark Bennett and Deputy Clerk Alan Ross for a discussion on e-filing in the Fourth Department, including the new rules, effective July 1, governing e-filing in criminal and Family Court appeals. Additional panelists will discuss the origin and mechanics of e-filing in the Fourth Department, the way the rules that apply to criminal and Family Court appeals were conceived and will continue to evolve, and plans for expanding e-filing in the future. The program includes Q&A. If you practice in the Fourth Department, you will not want to miss this timely program!

Mark W. Bennett, Esq., Clerk of the Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Department
Robert C. Brucato, Jr., Senior Appellate Counsel, Counsel Press, Inc.
Alan L. Ross, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Department

*This format appropriate for experienced attorneys only

Available Formats: OnDemand

OnDemand: $45 Members (Promo Code: member2017), $60 Non-Members

Click to view OnDemand
CLE Credit


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