#2366 Child Victims Act: First Year Update

Presented on October 9, 2020

2.0 CLE credits: 1.0 Areas of Professional Practice, 1.0 Skills

This seminar will provide a first-year update on the Child Victims Act. Presenters will discuss the trends seen in both the litigation and coverage realm.

Brian D. Barnas, Esq., Hurwitz & Fine, PC
Charles J. Englert, III, Esq., Hurwitz & Fine, PC
William J. Gerken, Esq, The Law Offices of J. Michael Hayes
Anastasia M. McCarthy, Esq., Hurwitz & Fine, PC
Andrea Schillaci, Esq., Hurwitz & Fine, PC

Available Formats: CD and OnDemand (Skills credit appropriate for experienced attorneys only in this format)

OnDemand: $60 Members (Promo Code: member2017), $100 Non-Members

To purchase a CD or DVD of this CLE, please send an email here, or mail a check payable to the Erie Institute of Law, 438 Main St., Sixth Floor, Buffalo, NY 14202. Be sure to reference the title of the program, and add $5 if you would like the CD mailed to you.

CLE Credit

Areas of Professional Practice, Skills

Credit Hours




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