#2472 A Conversation with the Descendants of Plessy v. Ferguson

Presented on September 21, 2023

2.0 CLE credits: 1.0 Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias (appropriate for Experienced Attorneys only), 1.0 Areas of Professional Practice (appropriate for Newly Admitted & Experienced Attorneys)

Judge Shirley Troutman, Associate Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals, leads a look back at one of the most infamous cases in US Supreme Court history, and it’s repercussions today. Keith Plessy and Phoebe Ferguson, descendants of the plaintiff Homer Plessy and Judge John Ferguson who together founded the Plessy and Ferguson Initiative, discuss the living legacy of this landmark civil rights case.

Moderator: Hon. Shirley Troutman, Associate Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals

Remarks: Hon. Albert M. Rosenblatt, Retired Associate Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals


  • Phoebe Ferguson, The Plessy and Ferguson Initiative
  • Keith Plessy, The Plessy and Ferguson Foundation

Available format: OnDemand

OnDemand$60 members (Promo Code: member2017), $100 Non-members


Audio Disc, OnDemand, Video DVD

CLE Credit

Areas of Professional Practice, Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias

Credit Hours


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