#2458 Canadian Cottage Alert: The New Underused Housing Tax Act

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Presented on March 16, 2023

1.0 credit: Areas of Professional Practice (appropriate for all attorneys)

Effective January 1, 2023, Canada’s new Underused Housing Tax will affect all Americans owning cottage properties across the border. While your clients may be exempt from paying the tax itself, no one is exempt from filing by April 30, 2023. Join us to learn the new requirements & help your clients avoid the penalties!

Moderator: Hugh M. Russ, III, Esq., Dean of the Erie Institute of Law

Speaker: Richard S. Halinda, B.A. L.L.B., Halinda Romaniuk Law Professional Corporation 

Available format: OnDemand

OnDemand$30 members (Promo Code: member2017), $40 Non-members

CLE Credit

Areas of Professional Practice

Credit Hours




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