#2455 Wrongful Death Damages: Where Do We Stand in New York Now?

Presented on February 24, 2023

1.0 credit: Areas of Professional Practice (appropriate for all attorneys)

Join us for a review of the statute, New York’s state legislative process, and the impact of the demise of the Grieving Families Act in New York. Presented by Kristen Elmore-Garcia, Esq., whose firm The Law Office of John V. Elmore, P.C., is representing victims of the May 14th massacre, this program is a discussion on the current lay of the land in wrongful death cases, and how the failure to pass this bill will impact victims’ loved ones.

Moderator:  Michael F. Perley, Esq., Hurwitz Fine, P.C.

Speaker: Kristen Elmore-Garcia, Esq., Law Office of John V. Elmore, P.C. 

Available format: OnDemand

OnDemand$40 members (Promo Code: member2017), $50 Non-members

CLE Credit

Areas of Professional Practice

Credit Hours



Audio Disc, OnDemand, Video DVD

The BAEC Board of Directors Unanimously Passes a Resolution Addressing Executive Order #14173

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