Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Goes Paperless Due to COVID-19

Please be advised that due to the current health situation, EEOC’s Field Offices have temporarily stopped conducting in-person intake interviews. If you have previously scheduled in-person intake appointment, your appointment will be changed to a telephone interview. The office will not accept walk-ins at this time.

You are encouraged to visit the EEOC Public Portal (https://publicportal.eeoc.gov/) to schedule an intake appointment by telephone. The system can also be accessed by going directly to our website at www.eeoc.gov.

If you are near a filing deadline (at least 180 days but generally 300 days) please call 1-800-669-4000.

For individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, you can reach EEOC by videophone at 1-844-234-5122. If you have a disability which prevents you from accessing the Public Portal or you otherwise have difficulty with accessing the portal, please call 1-800-669-4000.

Info for EEOC Buffalo Local Office

We will no longer accept charges by mail or in-person.  Attorney charges must be submitted to BUFFFAXMAIN@EEOC.GOV (preferred method) or by fax (716) 551-4387 (provided the local office remains open). 

All correspondence, position statements, and responses to requests for information must be loaded onto the portal.  In the rare exception where that is not possible, attorneys may submit such information to BUFFFAXMAIN@EEOC.GOV.

Any questions should be directed to Buffalo Local Office Acting Director Maureen Kielt at maureen.kielt@eeoc.gov or 716-431-5016.

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