BAEC Annual Awards

Each year, the Bar Association of Erie County proudly recognizes lawyers and individuals in the community through its awards programs.  These awards are given to individuals who have performed outstanding service to the community, to the Bar Association, and/or to the profession. Bar Association and community-based programs, organizations and activities may also qualify for various awards.
The awards give our Association the unique opportunity to publicly honor the recipients for their dedication to their profession, to the Bar Association and the community. It is our hope that such awards will inspire others to devote their talents to serving others.
The Association gives out awards at two of our most prestigious events: the Annual Awards and Law Day.

About the Annual Awards

The BAEC’s Annual Awards are presented to attorneys or judges in the Erie County legal community and has been doing so for the past 134 years.

About the Law Day Awards

The BAEC’s Law Day awards are a time to recognize non-lawyers for their outstanding contribution to the community, and their efforts in fighting for justice and equality.

Nominate a Colleague!

We are always interested in hearing of the accomplishments of those in the local legal community. If there is someone you know of deserving of an award, please reach out to us to submit your nomination. 

How to Submit Your Nomination

Download the Nomination Form by clicking one of the buttons above. Please fill it out and email it to Sue Kohlbacher by clicking here.

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