#2493 Courtrooms, Classrooms, and Community: A Call to Civic Engagement

Presented on October 8, 2024 (Expires 10/8/29)

1.5 CLE credits: Areas of Professional Practice (appropriate for all attorneys)

When you applied to law school, you likely did so because you wanted to serve the public in some way. When you were sworn in as an attorney, you took an oath to “support the constitution.”  Now day-to-day practice might seem less lofty and ambitious. How can you serve your community and promote civics and rule of law outside the walls of your office?

Gary Crump, JD, will speak about his journey from law school to teaching social studies in the Buffalo Public Schools, and how lawyers can improve civics education locally. Our distinguished panelists will discuss how attorneys can encourage voting, serving on juries, and creating a diverse pipeline to the legal profession.

Moderator: Lauren E. Breen, Esq., President of the Bar Association of Erie County


  • Gary Crump, JD, Buffalo Public Schools
  • Craig Bucki, Esq., Phillips Lytle LLP
  • Hon. Phillip Dabney, Buffalo City Court
  • Rebecca Diina LaCivita, Esq., League of Women Voters
  • Dr. Christine Farrow, Commissioner of Jurors for Erie County
  • Lori Robinson, League of Women Voters

Available format: OnDemand, CD, DVD

OnDemand$45 members (Promo Code: member2017), $60 Non-members


Audio Disc, OnDemand, Video DVD

CLE Credit

Areas of Professional Practice

Credit Hours


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